Natural remedies for insomnia, anxiety, and stress relief

Stress is becoming an emergent public health problem after the recent coronavirus outbreak. But even before that and after it resolves, many people are affected by multiple triggers of anxiety and insomnia. 
In most cases, anxiety is triggered by our daily activities and how we react to them. It could be your boss, your teacher, raising your kids, or going through the burden of chronic disease. Either way, stress, and anxiety can take away your calm and quite literally rob you of your sleep.

Female Balance Herbal Tonic: Natural Treatment For PMS and PCOS

Female hormone balance support tonic contains carefully chosen herbs, blended with The Green Naturopath signature formular hormone balancing herbal mix. This nourishing female tonic was created to help replenish and balance hormones, assist with PMS and PCOS Support, menstrual relief, mood swings, vitality, and energy.

How to reduce stress and stimulate the vagus nerve

Most people associate stress with emotions and mood. It is something you feel for a while and then focus on something else. But did you know feeling stressed out affects your nervous system in a longer term?

Stress can actually change the way your brain works, and the connections it has with your outside body. One example of such association is the vagus nerve.

Taking the Time to Find Yourself – The Most Important Thing you can Do

Work, family, housework, and finances – they all take up your time. It’s easy to get lost in the mundane details life requires. You do what you must, but do they make you happy? Do you feel fulfilled or are you just going through the motions?

6 mindfulness practices that will bring inner harmony

No matter how chaotic life can get, we need tools to help bring us back to our centre and ground us. Mindfulness practice is a great start for this. Life can get stressful at the moment, though it always passes. A popular quote is ‘You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass – Timber Hawkey. When we are in the storm, it feels like a big dust storm in our minds. Thoughts are flying around everywhere, not making any sense at all. The idea of mindfulness is to calm this dust storm down enough to let the thoughts settle and allow the breath to slow down.

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