
Watermelon is always a crowd pleasure and quick and simple to prepare. You can go the next stage and make iced watermelon slushy with fresh mint simply by freezing watermelon before placing it in the blender with some fresh mint.

Make Infused Summer Water

This is fun and simple and gives you the added benefits of nutrients in your water. Find a nice glass jar and add some water and your favorite herbs and fruit to the water and place outside in the sun to be infused by from the sun.

Take an early morning walk

There is nothing more refreshing than heading out for an early morning walk while the sun is just starting to beam through the summer clouds and the birds are singing. It’s the time of the day to get your focus and refresh your mind for the day ahead.

Watch a sunset

Do I need to mention the sunset? A sunset is calming on the mind and will set you into unwind mode. Just the colors of the sky are calming in itself. Such a beautiful time to just sit back, enjoy and RELAX!!! Whether you live near the ocean, in the middle of the country side there is sure to be some amazing sunsets around the corner for you.

Go Camping

Not everyone’s favourite cup of tea, but do we have the most amazing outback to go and explore? If you don’t like camping definitely make sure to go and lie under the stars and check out our Southern Hemisphere stars of Summer, with the brightest stars being Canopus and Sirius. Remember to make a wish upon a star.

Swim at the beach

Are you a little weary of the beach or do you love swimming? Even if it is just a quick splash near the shore of the ocean it can be cleansing on the body and reduce stress and strengthen your health due to all the amazing nutrients and properties found in sea water. Plus there is nothing more satisfying than splashing family and friends and getting away before they can get you.

Host a summer potluck Party

One of my favourites and one everyone enjoys. Get all your friends and family together one summer evening and all bring a healthy plate of food to share with everyone. Not only is it healthy, there is always a nice buzz around when sharing food.

Happy Summer, keep Safe and Have Fun!!